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Gift Shop - Floral Contract & Quality Standard Issues

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 16:16 | Erica Schwarting

Greetings all, 

I am reaching out to any and all who facilitate the management of their hospital's gift shop(s). I would love some guidance surrounding floral vendors. It is time to renew our contract; however, we have been experiencing the following issues: Untimely deliveries, decline in floral arrangement quality and selection, pricing inconsistencies, prioritization issues, billing inconsistencies, etc. Please share any contract and process flow guidance you have in place that is working well for you. Contact: 

Many thanks in advance.  


  • Tuesday, July 12, 2022 11:25 | Alice B. Whisnant (Administrator)
    We have one Auxiliary volunteer along with her husband (volunteer) who provide small, fresh floral arrangements for sale in our Gift Shop. Several other volunteers assist by bringing in small cups, mugs or vases and fresh greenery for use in preparing the arrangements. Our price point ranges from $7-10 per item. We used to contract with a local florist but encountered some of the issues you noted in your comments. Hope this helps!
    Alice at UNC Health Caldwell
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