As Past President and Chair of Nominating Committee, I and Beth Deal, current committee member, am reaching out to our NCHVP members to ask if you would consider serving on the Nominating Committee for 2022-23 year. We have already completed the proposed slate of officers for the upcoming year, but we need three members to be serve on the Nominating Committee for 2022-23.
This is a great way to learn more about our wonderful organization and to build new or strengthen your networking among our members. It doesn't take a lot of time, and I hope that you will consider. I have copied from the by-laws and policies/procedures manual the below information regarding this important committee and request that you review and let me know if you are able and willing to be placed on the upcoming ballot for nominating committee. Your response either way is needed by no later than Thursday, April 7 via email reply to me at or to this forum. Thank you! Alice
The Nominating Committee will consist of five members. Four of these members are elected by the membership; the fifth member, who serves as Chair, will be the immediate Past President of the Organization. The members of the committee serve a one year term.
Membership on the Nominating Committee will not preclude nomination for officer of the Corporation.
At the request of the Board of Directors, the Nominating Committee will be prepared to make recommendations to fill vacancies on the Board (refer to Article VII, Section 5, F of the organization’s Bylaws) Duties and Responsibilities:
The Nominating Committee will:
1. Canvass the membership for nominees, electronic correspondence. The correspondence is to include all of the criteria used for consideration as a candidate.
2. Consider the nominee’s experience in NCHVP activities including the following:
a. All candidates must have received their attendance certificates for at least two conferences in the last five years. Attendance is to be verified through conference attendee lists which are to be kept on record by the Management/Education Conference Committee.
b. President Elect candidates must have been a member of NCHVP for three years and a member of the Board for at least one of those three years.
c. All candidates must be in good standing.
3. Consider the number of nominations submitted by the membership for each qualified candidate.
4. Prepare a slate of candidates with a brief biographical sketch of each nominee to present to membership for an approval with consideration of geographical location.
5. Secure consent from each candidate before preparing and presenting the slate to the current Board for approval.
6. Present the slate of nominees to the current Board for consideration/approval. (As a courtesy, the committee will inform the current President and President Elect of the proposed slate of officers prior to the next Board of Directors meeting).
a. President-elect
b. Recording Secretary
c. Corresponding Secretary
d. Treasurer
e. Members of the Nominating Committee
8. Electronically communicate the approved slate of officers to all organization members Approved or Not Approved selection completed and returned electronically from the membership indicating their votes must be received by the Nominating Committee at least 30 days prior to the Annual Business Meeting.
9. Present the slate to the membership at the Annual Business Meeting (this is the responsibility of the Chair).
10. Arrange for the installation of new officers at the Annual Business Meeting.
11. Nomination Chair/Past President will be responsible for ensuring that all elected and appointed Board members, required non-elected positions and committees will complete the Code of Ethics/Conflict of Interest form.
12. Code of Ethics/Conflict of Interest document will be signed annually at the first Board meeting of the new fiscal year and no later than August 1 of each year.
13. Signed Code of Ethics/Conflict of Interest forms will be given to the Recording Secretary as permanent documents for the year.